Woo-commerce Odoo connector!

WooCommerce has emerged as one of the leading e-commerce platforms on the Internet, giving merchants the ability to sell a wide variety of products by presenting them in an attractive manner. Its seamless integration with WordPress makes it the perfect choice for both merchants and developers, offering complete control over their online stores.


The most advanced and user-friendly integration

One-click installation

One-click personalized demo

Smart onboarding panel for easy setup

Multi woocommerce store

Interactive user interface for admin

Odoo To WooCommerce

  • Export & Update Products & Product Variants
  • Create, export & update Product Categories, Tags & Coupons
  • Update product prices (sales and regular), and images
  • Export product stock from multiple odoo warehouse to WooCommerce.
  • Publish or Unpublish Products to WooCommerce Store from Odoo
  • Update Order Status of completed orders
  • Orders that were cancelled in Odoo can be cancelled in WooCommerce.
  • Users can initiate refunds from Odoo whenever an order needs to be refunded.

WooCommerce To Odoo

  • Introducing Webhooks: When the new Orders or Products are created at WooCommerce Store or the order status changed to Completed, Refunded or Cancelled – get these updates instantly in Odoo without waiting for next cron job.

    (Note: Any other cases where transaction values are changed in orders like product price is changed or quantity is modified or new product is added/removed, etc. – it will not be updated to Odoo).

  • Import Orders in bulk or choose specific order to import based on date range
  • Import Products along with product variants
  • Import Product Price, Stock levels & Images
  • Import Product Categories, tags & coupons
  • Import Customer Data