Odoo vs SAP

Enhanced reporting and planning, heightened process transparency, and cost efficiency are widely acknowledged advantages of ERP systems. Nevertheless, as no one-size-fits-all solution exists, no ERP system can perfectly cater to every organization’s needs. Thus, in collaboration with a seasoned business analyst and a team lead developer specialized in ERP implementation, we’ve compiled a set of questions and provided corresponding answers to aid you in determining which ERP solution aligns with your requirements, or at the very least, which ones do not.

How many orders do you have to process daily?

Odoo is an ideal choice for businesses with no more than a hundred daily orders and a moderate volume of data storage needs. However, if your company initially implemented Odoo as a startup and has since expanded, proficient developers can tailor the ERP system to accommodate your increased data processing requirements.

SAP operates on a distinct principle, geared towards managing vast quantities of data for enterprises processing thousands or even millions of orders daily. An illustrative example is Amazon, which utilizes SAP to manage over 66 thousand orders per hour. Nonetheless, processing such immense volumes of data can be time-consuming, leading to SAP’s reputation for sluggishness, which has even become a subject of jest in internet culture.

Does the survival of your business depend on its flexibility?

Odoo is tailored to support the dynamic needs of small and medium-sized enterprises, allowing them to adapt quickly to evolving market conditions. This ERP functions akin to a versatile construction set, enabling users to effortlessly assemble and modify the entire system using modular components. For example, if a company alters its suppliers, corresponding processes like the supply chain can be easily adjusted. This adaptability serves as the foundation for survival and competitiveness in such agile businesses.

SAP is crafted for organizations that prioritize rigorous adherence to established processes over flexibility. In scenarios where offices or subsidiaries span multiple countries with hundreds or thousands of employees, maintaining clear and consistent business processes is paramount for seamless enterprise operations. For instance, Coca-Cola oversees marketing, advertising, manufacturing facilities, and representative offices across more than 70 countries on various continents. Given this extensive global presence, the enterprise cannot afford to make drastic changes to its processes.

How much time and effort are you ready to invest in your ERP project?

Odoo, an open-source ERP written in Python and organized into modules, offers a customizable approach where users can select and integrate only the modules they require. This flexibility extends to exploring new Odoo features and solutions as needed. Thanks to its popularity and modular structure, finding developers with the necessary expertise and experience is relatively straightforward. In comparisons between Odoo and SAP, Odoo takes the lead in terms of the speed of ERP implementation.

SAP, while also organized into modules, has a complex structure tailored to meet the intricate requirements of large multinational corporations typically found within the Fortune 1000 list. The ERP is developed using a combination of programming languages including C, C++, Java, and ABAP (an in-house high-level language developed by SAP). Understanding the system’s architecture and logic isn’t something developers can achieve at a glance; it demands specialists with a minimum of five years of dedicated SAP experience. Consequently, sourcing such specialized talent can present challenges.

Odoo vs. SAP comparison